018644na Bouquet of Roses

SKU : 018644na

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āļŋ 3,950.00

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Before submit the order, please make sure for Available Areas Delivery of city/province Thailand on our catalogs detail. Please reserve your order in advance.

For Fresh Flowers Arrangement with Same-day delivery please submit the order by 12:00 noon of Thailand Time.

For Orchids, Plants, Artificial Flowers, Bonsai Tray Garden, Cakes, Chocolates please order in advance 1-2 Days. More information please contact us by E-mail inquiry. siamflowershop@gmail.com ID Line: @flowerthailand

Remarks : Flower Arrangement and our product is appropriated, Size may vary. All items featured on this web site represent the type of arrangements, we offers and may vary depending upon availability in certain regions.

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